Most of our day is spent in our primary area of influence, whether that be in the marketplace, in community service, in our studies, or at home. It is in these areas that we likely have the greatest impact as the salt of the earth and the light of the world. And so our worklife ministry aims to pray for, commission, and equip you, with tools to reach out to those in your work life. These are the current expressions of the Harvest worklife ministry.
For more information or to enquire about getting involved please email

E-Round table
E-Round table is a Christian entrepreneurs and business peoples networking forum that meets monthly to explore various opportunities and challenges
For more information or to enquire about getting involved please email
Worklife letters
Every week letters are written by harvest members to give a Biblical Kingdom world-view perspective on our worklife. These go out in our weekly newsletter and are also posted on our Harvest App
Business prayer group
Every Tuesday morning before work (from 7:15am-7:45am) there is an open invitation gathering of business people that meet at 103 Cape Rd Mill Park PE to pray for various business and workplace issues
To find out more please contact Adri Du Toit on 079 897 7621