Harvest Christian Church


Prayer is such a fundamental part of our walk as a Christian, and we are all called to pray in our own personal capacities as we commune and grow in our relationship with God. As a church we are also here to pray for each other and to stand in faith for God’s answers to our prayers and petitions. And as a church we also recognize the importance of the ministry of collective prayer, where we make time to get together as members of the body of Christ to pray for various things often not related to our own personal lives.

There are always opportunities to pray and  we would really encourage everyone to grab any opportunity there is to pray – on one’s own, for someone else, or with others – for who knows the power of prayer to advance God’s kingdom among us!

Prayer requests

We have a dedicated prayer channel for all prayer needs and requests. If you would like someone to pray with you about anything please contact amen@harvest.co.za

Prayer needs list

These are the key areas we believe as a church need prayer into at this time:

  • For good governance in our local municipality
  • For the poor and destitute in our local community
  • For revival and many to come to salvation
  • For the physical and financial health of our people and their families
  • For our government and economy to strengthen

Please add these to your prayer list when spending time with the Lord to intercede into these areas

Missions Partner Prayer groups

These are the Missions Partners that need dedicated prayer partners. Please contact the WhatsApp prayer groups using the following details:

World Mission Centre:
Whatsapp: 074 864 4985
Whatsapp: 084 867 6272

WhatsApp: 061 537 7941

WhatsApp: 068 118 0028

Work for a living
WhatsApp: 078 918 8959

Isivuno Training
WhatsApp: 082 657 2701

Loving Hands
Whatsapp: 076 224 7216

House of Wells
Whatsapp: 083 245 1775

Bet Sheekoom
Whatsapp: 083 652 1753

Farming God’s Way
WhatsApp: 072 852 8215

Family Transformation
WhatsApp: 082 653 3188

Corporate Prayer meetings

These are powerful times of agreeing together for specific prayer requests and also just leaning into the Holy Spirit as a congregation. These happen occasionally throughout the year and as the need arises and usually take place in the Harvest auditorium or online. Please watch our news for upcoming events.

Various monthly and weekly prayer meetings

Throughout the week and month various different ministries get together to pray. These include mens, ladies, business, our school, our mission partners etc. Anyone with a heart for intercession is welcome to join as we lift up different requests and opportunities to the Lord, and just pray together as the Holy Spirit leads. 

Standing weekly mens prayer meeting: Tuesday mornings 6-7am in the Prayer Room, Harvest Walmer

Standing weekly ladies prayer meetings: Saturday morning 6-8am in the Prayer Room, Harvest Walmer

For more information on getting involved in our prayer ministry please email amen@harvest.co.za

Sunday pre-service prayers

Our teams gather for 30 minutes before Sunday services to lift the service and all its elements up to the Lord and also to just lay down everything before God for Him to have His way, not ours. The service host leads this meeting, and the worship team and pastoral staff are present, but any harvester is very welcome to join.