Harvest Christian Church

Join the family

We’d love to invite you to meet the team, discover our heart and explore if Harvest is the church family God wants you to join. Our new members course consists of just two sessions on Sundays after the service from 11am-1pm.

On the first session we share our vision, mission, values and beliefs; and on the second day we share a meal together and introduce our various ministries and pastors. Welcoming you into our family is really more about being linked into our hearts and lives through relationships, than signing up for membership.

Our greatest desire is to see people fully released into their destiny in Christ, living victoriously through obedience to His Word, leading a life in His Spirit, and making a difference to the world in which we live.

Please get in touch with us if you’d like to find out more about becoming a member at Harvest. Email us at info@harvest.co.za or simply fill out our online connect card and we’ll get in touch with you day

Connect card