Harvest Christian Church


Harvest Ladies Prayer Meeting


Join us for a special prayer meeting on Women’s World Day of Prayer, where we’ll lift our hearts to God about the things that matter in our world. 

WHEN: Friday, 1 March, 7-8am 
WHERE: Studio 4, Harvest Walmer

Harvest Christian School Open Day

Are you looking for a school that will meet the spiritual, academic, and physical needs of your child? Harvest Christian School is hosting a Family Festival with food and market stalls, a tea garden, and personalized tours of their campus to help you make an informed decision.

2025 Applications are open for Primary School and High School.

WHEN: Saturday, 2 March, 9am – 12pm 
WHERE: Harvest Christian School, 83 Albert Road, Walmer

To book a timeslot for tours – 9:30/10:15/11:00.
Contact Sue Scholtz
Tel: 041 581 2007 or
Email: primaryschoolsecretary@harvestcs.co.za
Bookings close on Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Visit their website

Easter at Harvest

Easter marks one of the most important seasons in the Christian calendar, as we gather together, to reflect and celebrate the life-giving sacrifice Jesus made in His death and the victory of His resurrection, here are the services we will host over Easter.

  • Palm Sunday: 24 March, 9am & 5.30pm
  • Passover Supper: 28 March, 6pm
  • Good Friday: 29 March, 9am 
  • Easter Sunday: 31 March, 9am (NO PM SERVICE)

Harvest Mens Braai

A great opportunity for the Men of Harvest to come together to connect and fellowship around a fire!

WHERE: Harvest Walmer
WHEN: Monday, 7 October @ 6.30pm (sign up by 1 October)
PRICE: R65 p/p for braai pack. Bring your own sides & cooldrink

Sign up here

Loss of a Spouse

A course for anyone who has suffered the loss of a spouse, and is designed to support you through the grieving process as you share with others one of life’s hardest experiences.

When: Sat, 12 October from 10am
Where: Studio 4, Harvest Walmer



Crown Financial

This is a wellbeing course aimed to help build a biblical understanding of what the word of God teaches us about finances and correctly stewarding our income

When: Mon, 15 July, 6.30pm
Where: Studio 1, Harvest Walmer

Sign up here


Parenting Conference

As parents, we need to raise our children to know and walk in the ways of the Lord. What we and our children do and say flows from our hearts. Luke 6:45 emphasises this, “…out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”  This conference is open for all parents and promises to encourage and equip you to shepherd your children’s hearts in the ways of the Lord.

Please note that we are not providing childcare, which we understand might be an inconvenience, however, our heart is for every parent who attends to have the freedom to give their full attention during the conference.

A light meal will be provided on Friday evening, as well as light snacks during Saturday morning.

WHEN: Friday, 26 April, 5.30pm to 8pm, and Saturday, 27 April, 8.30am to 12.30pm.
WHERE: Harvest Walmer
COST: R120 per persons

Book your spot here

Corporate Prayer

A powerful time gathering together as a church to agree in prayer and lean into the Holy Spirit

WHEN: Sunday, 26 January, 11am , after the AM service.  (meeting together every quarter)
WHERE: Harvest Walmer

Saturday Soaking

An intimate time of worship and ministry soaking in the presence of the Lord.

WHEN: Saturday, 1 March, 5:30pm (1st Saturday of every month)
WHERE: Harvest Walmer Auditorium

Discipleship 1-2-3

Twice a year, a discipleship program takes place at Harvest Walmer. In this 3 part course, we aim to equip people with a sound grasp of the BIBLE, PRAYER, and COVENANT as we teach people how to study their bible, pray, and understand God’s covenant with them. The 3 modules can also be taken as individual courses.

WHEN: Tuesday, 7 May, 6.30pm

Sign up here

Ladies Afternoon Out

Formerly known as Ladies Tables, we’re elevating this event to a new level and coming together for an afternoon of encouragement, worship, fellowship, creativity and more…

WHEN: Saturday, 11 May, 2.30pm
WHERE: Harvest Walmer Auditorium
Dress Code: Floral
Tickets: R60 (bookings close on 8 May) 

Book here

Kingdom Leadership School 2025

Our Kingdom Leadership School (KLS) is a year-long leadership program designed to develop people to be Kingdom ambassadors in character, theology, and practical ministry skills, all based on our Harvest family values. 

For more information on KLS please email lindywalker@harvest.co.za


DivorceCare 4 Kids

A course for children affected by divorce or separation of their parents, designed to help them through one of the most difficult experiences in life through the help of a support group.

WHEN: Sunday, 19 January, 9am
WHERE: Harvest Walmer

Sign up here

Conquer Series

Most men never leave the battlefield concerning their sexual purity! This course has led thousands of men to overcome the battle of addiction by discovering the weapons and strategies of God to remain free.

WHEN: Starts Monday, 27 January, 6.30pm
WHERE: GAP Room, Harvest Walmer

Sign up here

Divorce Care: Surviving the Holidays

This is a course for anyone hurting through divorce or separation, and is designed to support you through one of life’s hardest experiences over the Christmas season as you share with others,

WHEN: Thursday, 21 November, 6pm
WHERE: Studio 3, Harvest Walmer

Sign up here

Grief Share: Surviving the Holidays

A course for anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one, and is designed to support you through the Christmas season as you share with others, one of life’s hardest experiences. 

WHEN: Saturday, 23 November, 10am
WHERE: Studio 4, Harvest Walmer


Biblical Equipping

On the last Wednesday of each month, Daan and Gaby Botha hold a biblical equipping session for the entire congregation from 6.30pm on our Youtube channel. This is a time when all connect groups and the whole church is encouraged to join for a time of teaching and interaction around topical biblical issues.

WHEN: Wednesday, 27 November, 6.30pm
WHERE: On Youtube only

YA Summer Camp

Young Adults are kicking off with a bang in 2024! If you’re between the ages of 18-30 this is for you! YA will be going to the Jeffreys Bay VCSV/UCSV for a sunny weekend filled with beach activities, fellowship, worship, and more.

WHEN: 16-18 Feb 2024
WHO: Young Adults aged 18-30
HOW MUCH: R550 (includes meals)


Woman of Peace

A course for all ladies, aimed at equipping women with a sense of great peace despite circumstances, and deepening a love relationship with God.

WHEN: Tuesday, 4 February, 6pm
WHERE: Harvest Walmer, Studio 1

Sign up here

Walmer Township Prayer Walk

A church missions outing from Harvest Walmer to pray and minister to the people of Walmer township.
Everyone/anyone is welcome – come on your own, with your family, with your friends or connect groups.
No need to book, just come along on the day!

WHEN: Saturday, 30 September, 11am-12.30pm
WHERE: departing by foot from Harvest Walmer at 11am sharp (township is approx 500m from the church)

Click here to sign up

Better Together

A course for engaged couples aimed at the health of Godly covenant relationship. The course centers around love, romance, and intimacy – all from biblical worldview. See it as a date night to enlighten and strengthen your relationship with each other and with the Lord.

WHEN: From Tuesday, 19 September, 6.30pm
WHERE: Harvest Walmer
Cost: R500 per couple

Click here to sign up

All night of prayer

An open invitation to all to join for any length of time as we gather before the Lord.

A time to pray, praise, and worship together – a time of adoration, consecration, and intimacy with Jesus!

WHEN: Sunday 24 Sept, from 8pm after the evening service, through to 6am Monday morning (Monday is a public holiday.)
WHERE: Harvest Walmer auditorium

Surviving the Holidays

A course for anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one, and is designed to support you through the Christmas season as you share with others one of life’s hardest experiences.

When: Sat, 25 November 2023 from 10am
Where: Studio 2, Harvest Walmer

Sign up here


Creative Ladies Retreat

An annual weekend away for existing and aspiring Christian artists (a limited number of ladies only) to spend time together in a safe and secluded setting to learn and share new ideas and techniques, and to just take time out to express artistically and be creative in the Lord.

WHEN: Scheduled for September
WHERE: Humbleways, Port Elizabeth
For more information please email bible@harvest.co.za

Ladies Mentoring

Small groups of ladies who meet once a month for ministry in various homes. If you already belong to a connect group but would also like somewhere to share heart in a ladies only setting, please consider joining a ladies mentoring group. There are approximately 30 different groups that meet all over PE to fellowship, encourage one another, and to lift each other up.

Then come along to the next Ladies mentoring event to start with, and from there you can join an ongoing home group.

WHEN: Saturday, 29 July, 2.30-4.30pm
WHERE: Harvest Walmer

Sign up here


This is a course for anyone hurting through divorce or separation, and is designed to help you through one of the most difficult experiences in life through the help of a support group.

WHEN: Thursday, 20 February,  6pm
WHERE: Studio 2, Harvest Walmer

Sign up here

Discipleship 1-2-3

In this 3 part course we aim to equip people with a sound grasp of the BIBLE, PRAYER, and COVENANT as we teach people how to study their bible, how to pray, and how to understand God’s covenant with them. The 3 modules can also be taken as individual courses.
Email: bible@harvest.co.za

Next Course: How to Study the Bible
When: Starts Tuesday, 4 March, 6.30pm on ZOOM

Sign up here

Single & Parenting

A course for anyone facing the challenges of single parenthood, and is designed to move you toward rebuilding your life through the help of a support group.

WHEN: Friday, 7 March, 5.30pm
WHERE: Harvest Sherwood

Click here to sign up

Positioned for Blessing

A personal growth course for everyone, designed to help clarify and restore identity and destiny in God to experience the blessing and freedom that God designed and desires for us. 

WHEN: Sat, 15 March, 9am-3pm
WHERE: Harvest Walmer


New Members

We’d love to invite you to meet the team, discover our heart and explore if Harvest is the church family God wants you to join. Joining is really more about being linked to our hearts and lives through relationships, than it is about signing up for membership. Our new members course simply consists of two sessions – the first we share our vision, mission, values and beliefs; and the second we share a meal together and introduce our various ministries and pastors. Welcoming you into membership at Harvest would truly be our great joy and divine privilege!

WHEN: Sunday, 16 March, 11am – 1pm 
WHERE: Harvest Walmer

Precept Bible Studies

Throughout the year various Precept Bible studies are led by trained leaders across various Harvest venues. Precept Ministries seek to establish people in God’s Word by studying the bible inductively so you can discover truth for yourself, viewing the world biblically and making disciples intentionally. Participants to weekly homework and attend class discussion with a video lecture once a week.

WHEN: Ongoing throughout the year
WHERE: Various venues and online

Click here to view all courses and sign up

Young Adults Keiskammahoek Outreach

Reaching out through regular short-term outreaches to various rural villages near King Williams Town Eastern Cape.

NEXT OUTREACH: 21 – 23 March 2025 
Apply by 3 March 2025


Art Of Joy

A creative workshop (for non-creative or creative inclined) to discover the Joy of the Lord promised in scripture & revealed through the Holy Spirit.

When: Saturday, 5 April, 9am-1pm
Where: Harvest Walmer Atrium
Cost: R70 per person

Sign up here


The Storm Inside

This is a course for all ladies, and tracks the teaching of eight women of the Bible whose stories still speak today, showing that God is faithful and able to get one through the worst storms in life.

WHEN: Wednesday, 9 April. 8.30am
WHERE: Studio 3, Harvest Walmer

Sign up here

Baby Dedications

Celebrating the birth of a child and dedicating them to the Lord is a reason to celebrate as a larger church family! Group dedications within the Sunday service are available to all Harvest parents and their babies (under 2).

When: Sun, 13 April 2024 in the AM & PM Service
Where: Harvest Walmer



We believe in believers baptism by full submersion of water as an act of obedience and as a symbolic witness of our death and resurrection in Christ. If you have not been baptized before, we would love to celebrate this very special occasion together in church on Sunday. To find out more about baptism please see here.

WHEN: Sunday, 20 April, AM & PM Service
WHERE: Harvest Walmer

Sign up here

Passover Meal

Dear Harvest, come with your connect group, come with friends or family, or come on your own – but come & experience the rich symbolism of Passover! Sign up for an evening to remember as we fellowship and reflect through story and song, and share a Passover meal together as Jesus did with His disciples the night before He was crucified!

You don’t have to bring anything – our team will decorate the tables, lead in songs, and serve the supper. 

WHEN: TBC, April 2025
WHERE: Harvest Walmer

Biblical Foundations

A powerful and practical course aimed to equip believers to become disciples of Jesus, and establish the foundations of their Christian faith to get off to the right start at church.

WHEN: Sunday, 4 May, 4pm
WHERE:  Studio 1, Harvest Walmer

Sign up here

Harvest Conference

An annual church conference for all churches workers – pastors, elders, deacons, small group leaders, intercessors, ushers, stewards, hospitality teams, volunteers, and anyone serving in any capacity and involved in church life, both full-time or part-time. Two full days of teaching, sharing, inputting, equipping, inspiring, worshiping, praying, ministry, and fellowship. Entails keynote sessions, guest speakers, and break-away sessions centered around key church topics, concerns, issues, ministries, and programs; plus free flowing times of praise and soaking worship, prayer and ministry, and allowance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

When: 22-23 May 2025

For more information please email conference@harvest.co.za

Keiskammahoek Outreach

Reaching out through regular short-term outreaches to various rural villages near King Williams Town Eastern Cape.

NEXT OUTREACH: 23 – 25 May 2025 

Apply to join here

Holiday Club

Every year Harvest serves its members and the wider community of Christian families by running a kids winter holiday club. Over the years the it has become a ‘not-to-be-missed’ event on the Christian family calendar. It’s not just a very attractive opportunity for working and busy parents who are looking for some healthy and fun entertainment for their children in the holidays, and it is not only a super fun-filled week for children of various ages to get together to play, sing, craft, laugh and expend some of their joyous kids energy all within a well-run and protected church environment. Harvest Holiday Club is also an incredible opportunity for children to experience and learn Christian values in action and to grow spiritually under the special guidance and care of the harvest KIDS ministry leadership team.

Please note: snacks provided, not lunch (kids must bring a packed lunch if they would like to)

WHEN: 1 – 4 July 2025
WHERE: Harvest Christian Church, 90 Albert Rd, Walmer
WHO: all children From Grade R to Grade 7
WITH: Harvest Kids Ministry pastor Cyle-Jay Pulford and his amazing team of volunteer leaders
HOW MUCH: no charge, entry is free

Harvest Christian Art Exhibition

God has gifted people to express His Kingdom through spectacular and powerful works of art, and it is our privilege as a resource church to showcase and share these outworkings of our wondrous Creator. We see it as an opportunity for the Lord to speak into the hearts of people’s lives through artistic talent and creativity, as well as a platform for the church to display God’s beauty and celebrate His glory.

If you’re interested in taking part in the exhibition please contact creative@harvest.co.za or download the brief on the Creative page.

When: TBC, 2025
Where: Harvest Walmer

Ignite Harvest Ladies Conference

We are inviting all ladies for a time of reignition in this tough world we all have to navigate. If we allow Him, God can IGNITE us to be His light and be all He created us to be, for what lies ahead! It doesn’t matter who you are, where you’re from, or where you’re at, join us for a day of encouragement, refreshing, community, and growth!

WHEN: TBC, 2025
WHERE: Harvest Christian Church, 90 Albert Rd, Walmer
WHO: All ladies over 18

Annual Clothing Swop for Food Initiative

We’re converting good quality donated second hand clothing into food to stock our Kleinskool Swop Shop to meet the essential needs of the community! Come and shop for lovely gently-worn clothing items in our pop up shop – purchases can be made with non-perishable food items or cash that will be used to buy food to support those in desperate need.

WHEN: 24 – 31 August 2025
WHERE:  Harvest Walmer

Date Night

Whether you are married or engaged, this is the perfect opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal together, strengthen your connection, and get equipped with valuable tools to enrich your relationship. Don’t miss this chance to invest in intentional quality time while learning practical insights to help your marriage thrive!
We’ll set a table for each couple with eats, drinks, and dessert. All you need to do is arrive, hand-in-hand, ready for an amazing night together!

When:3 October 2025
Where: Harvest Walmer Auditorium


Global Leadership Summit

Everyone wins when a leader gets better. The Global Leadership Summit is an event designed to transform Christian and business leaders at every level on behalf of the local church with an annual injection of vision, skill development and inspiration. Harvest has the privilege of hosting the annual Global Leadership Summit in Port Elizabeth each year.

WHEN: 23 October 2025
WHERE: Harvest Walmer

Lesotho Missions Outreach

Reaching out through annual short-term outreaches to remote Basotho Highland villages.

NEXT OUTREACH: 27 November – 2 December 2025

Christmas Carols

The annual Harvest Christmas Carols take place each year on a particular Saturday night out in the country at our Harvest Colleen Glen church site. Our worship team leads familiar favorite carols against a setting sun and starlit night, whilst families camp on picnic blankets and children enjoy fun activities before a short Christmas message, to form a very special church family evening not to be missed!

WHEN: 6 December 2025
WHERE: Harvest Colleen Glen
For more information please email colleenglen@harvest.co.za

Christmas Production

Our annual Christmas Production is a spectacular event for the whole family to enjoy. A show always focussing on the blessing of the Christmas season and always glorifying our Saviour born to save us.

WHEN:  December 2025
WHERE: Harvest Walmer

Kenya Missions Outreach

Reaching out through annual short-term outreaches to Garissa and the Kenyan east coast.

WHEN: 2025, TBC

Annual Men's Camp

In our busy lives we can easily miss the opportunity as men to really connect with each other. And being part of a bigger church can also limit the depth of our relationships, as we tend to move within our same circles of familiar comfort. But it’s important that we’re connected to other Christian guys, to help bring out the best in each other, and shape us into becoming the men of God we have been made to be. 
What this camp really aims to do is simply connect brothers in Christ meaningfully – around the braai, along a walk, over a conversation, or during a time of ministry – the “how” is not nearly as important as the “what.” Which is why you should join. God just might have a divine appointment planned with you in mind.

WHEN: TBC, 2026

Israel Tour

Going to Israel is not a vacation, nor a luxury, but an investment that will pay spiritual dividends for the rest of your life! As part of our Biblical Training ministry Daan and Gaby Botha conduct tours to Israel to explore the land of the bible and to get a glimpse of the life and times of Jesus and his disciples. From north to south, mountains and valleys, seas and rivers, the wilderness and deserts, oases and gardens, ruins and buildings – experience and explore the land where our bible heroes lived and view the lands, the people, and the places that will play a central part during the end times. You will never read the Bible the same way again! To find out more or to book your place on the next tour please see www.tourisrael.co.za

When: TBC

For more information please email tourisrael@harvest.co.za or sign up here.